Technical Difficulties
Written on October 22
​As the first quarter of the school year ends off, I find myself preparing for my cold calls. The first step I am doing before making calls is setting up my Linkedin and creating my digital portfolio. I want to make sure I have both of these set up before calling professional workplaces because I would be able to reference my platforms if I am asked about my work I have done so far. With setting up my website, I am experiencing technical difficulties. Wix, the platform I am using to create my website, is preventing me from creating a completed website in a timely manner because of how much it glitches. Currently, I am working diligently to get myself back on track so I can start cold calling and conducting interviews. This part of the process has been something I have been anticipating because I want to make sure I get a mentor to create an original work project on time. I am hoping that the professionals I end up calling are willing to meet with me for a brief interview because I am excited to learn more about my topic. While I am experiencing technical difficulties that are setting me back, I will do my best to get back on track to start interviews.